This is my FIRST Post!!!

This is my first post, and I’d want to showcase the first thing I’ve ever completed for my media arts class. I enrolled in that course with the intention of learning about a variety of platforms and fun computer-related activities. I intended to continue in the next year and took a class for community class because many people told me how fun it will be, and learn more about several other art-making techniques. It was the first time I had ever worked with such sophisticated programm as Photoshop. I recall going into my first projects believing I couldn’t accomplish something because I had never used any software, but two years later, I was creating a website for my portfolio and accomplishing something I never imagined I would.

A Review Of The Actual Course:

Coming into this course I didn’t think I would be having fun in this course or learn anything new, but as I can see by the advancements in my painting, thinking, and knowledge, I was utterly mistaken. I was quite delighted that there weren’t as many students in my class since it helped everyone feel more at ease and secure in speaking their minds. The community of our school was a significant beneficiary of some of the group projects I will discuss in a moment, which was the major goal of the course that was given to us. We have expressed our worry regarding their school’s name and have created a number of presentations to share with our school. We created something within this short course that many students our age had never considered. We’ve joined together as a community to support the improvement of our school.


I wanted to share the two most significant pieces of art that my classmates and I created this year in order to demonstrate the value of our art and community. Since a few weeks ago, the right “CPT – Library Mural” (the one on the right) has been under building projects. It was a long process but this is one of the designs we wanted to use for our library. My team and I came up with a new name for our school as part of the “Rename Project”, (the one on the left) which was my second major undertaking this year. We put a lot of effort into creating the presentation, the sketches, and the unique name.

CPT – Library Mural and Rename Project